The previous design incorporates a 1 inch internal pipe for back pressure. Mebbe next time. Hehe. Decided to use the original necks instead but I also scored 2" to 1.5" conicals, what I need now is a small 1"x1.5" neck. The welds came out smooth and really nice with good penetration on the inside, looks really snazzy as it is without having to polish the darn thing. But I would eventually, or I'd settle for ceramic black with heat straps. I reckon it'll be summer all year round for my legs near these babies.
Bare metal really has its artistic appeal. Martin says it should look wicked in bare form even without paint. Anyway, mocking up, measuring, cutting and weld. Other than having to go to work I would've finished this in a few hours more. But the only hours I have are 12 past mids and since I'm nocturnal, I'm in my element.