BUT things do happen for a reason, this was obviously not the trip for me. First off I couldn't have gone on a Sunday (why the heck do they schedule these trips on a Sunday anyway..) I don't need to know why and how, I just need to say 'hey, thanks for saving me from something I could never foretell'.. I got to rest, and thankfully I'm typing this entry ill-free since the past week. 2 days into the flu I still managed to go to work and spend an overnight on the third, onto a client presentation the next day while managing to look smashing despite a raging fever. Wow.
Thanks to the folks who texted in to care enough to ask if I'm still alive.
Not the kind of person to spend the day on my back, I saw to it that I had things done while I'm down.
- After burning my fuse box I finally had Brutus rewired from the ground up, fixed my dampers to remedy my dancing chains, tuned to the detail the carb mix, to which now he growls way better than I've heard him do so. Great response. No slack. No lag. Pabs and Jan.. youz dem shiznitz..
- New tool acquisitions for the shop. Halfway through my tube notcher already after finishing the welding on the swivel hinge assembly. Looks great with dark gray paint.