Sunday, June 29, 2008

Month-Close Sunday Ride

Having only 2 hours sleep prior to getting up and ready for the last ride of this month did a lot for me, since I usually suffer from sleepy eyes if I lose ZZZs. But this morning was no different from those mornings that I have to go home after spending the night at the office without a wink. I am wide awake. It always happens when I sit on the bike. Even though I zombie through the halls ready to fall all the way down the parking basement, I always immediately snap into full caffeine mode till I get home safe.

Met up with Ed and Cynthia, Gil, Edwin, Barrucho along Sucat road and off we went into SLEX to Shell where we hooked up with the rest of the gang - 15 strong. There were two Harleys, a Shadow, CB750s, Steeds, Dragstars, and a 400cc scoot - all you can hear were glorious noise as we safely blasted through the expressway exiting at the usual. I wanted to take out my cam while cruising but heck, I also didn't want to risk it. So okay, just make every stop a photo opportunity.

Wind factor was in chill mode as it just rained late last night close to morning. It was really cold up there, thankfully I have my vest over my Bakersfield jacket over a shirt. Gil was shaking all the way up. I stayed somewhere along the front and in no time we were there. Past where we stayed before but with a great and better view this time. Boogie was nowhere patient as the food did take a lifetime to get done after orders. He hasn't had a wink of sleep after suffering forced bouts with Tekken I think, here he is being intimate with the letter Z, (which later would nearly cost him a scary spill as he dozed off on the road). Ed and Cicero's former team members from Spear brought along a fun bunch on this trip, I didn't feel out of place at all. Too bad there wasn't any TV there at the hut, Pacquiao's match against Diaz is today so tough luck, (later I'd get to watch Diaz slump face first on the floor after a straight left from Manny on the 9th round!) although there was this cat that did want to share our breakfast by hopping on the table every now and then.

We made quick work on the way back as the sky didn't seem happy today. Made our way back via Daang Hari. Stopped over a friend's house on the way back and rode of again after 30 minutes. Encountered drizzle halfway, and rain a third of the way back. We were supposed to wait the rain out at Ed's but we rode on till it really started to pour hard. We were already inside Multinational village and visibility was down to about 20 feet. The rain was that thick and we were riding over large puddles. I decided to turn home towards our village gate instead before my street gets flooded and I can't pass. I waved Edwin goodbye as they went on to Ed's. By the time I was at my gate I might as well have dipped in a pool myself. My wallet was wet. My shoes were all icky inside. My jeans were heavy and wet to my balls. The hanky that covered my face made it difficult to breathe. The vest did a great job of insulating my belt bag which held my camera and phone. It was quite a chore opening the lock to the gate while it was raining but I thoroughly enjoyed it.

Soaked wet and happy. It rained on our little parade. But I think it was the rain that made it a little bit different from the usual dry ride. It provided a bit of excitement at the end. Most of all it was a safe ride. Which is what everyone should be thankful for apart from anything else.