I remember scoring my very first ever skateboard magazine Thrasher back in my junior year in college. As fate would have it, Natas Kaupas was on the spotlight. Captivated by his bizarre name and this very picture on the splash page, I practically idolized him during my skateboard years, which lasted for a good decade. He had this no-nonsense-whatever-comes attitude that was against the tide of what was happening back then, and everyone was like wondering who was that guy who just whizzed by and ollied that hydrant? He blew everybody's mind with so many things unheard of in his time, and outdid himself every time. I broke my board one time and hung my shoes out to dry after that, but skating has always been in my blood. I thought someday I'd get the chance to pay back to the kids who skate today and build them a safe place where they can happily carry on the torch. This guy wasn't into the hype and fame that floored so many a great skateboarder at that time, and just went out and had fun with everything he did, eventually earning himself a niche in history.