While the stories of last Saturday might go on and on for a month from now, it would be wise to think about where we really are as a people. Boasting to be strongly religious, the Philippines stands among its neighboring countries as the only "Christian" nation proud in its heritage of customs and traditions - without really nothing to show for.

Would it be any wonder why the person who praises God today because he won the multi-million lotto would be the same one to curse Him because he lost his house and entire family the next day?
Maybe God was calling all along and we just refused by living out our everyday life in security?
Maybe no one really regarded or cared less?
Maybe it was easier to curse someone than to forgive a grave offense?
Maybe we turned our back on His own terms and would have nothing personal to do with Him?
Maybe He just gave us what we wanted all along?
Maybe He laughed at our calamity or when what we fear most came along? When we were distressed and in anguish? Yes, even at this time?
Maybe because we wanted to run things on our own terms - according to how we understood them - instead of how He would have it?
Maybe because of that He turns a deaf ear to the cries of the family sinking in the flood, to the same people who assume they knew Him well?
Or maybe because we flat out really hated His terms?
Counsel anyone? "How to do things the right way for dummies" anyone?
Maybe we are eating the fruit of our own garden, our own doing, our own devices?
Maybe our so-called "prosperity" is our own down fall? Ever notice how you don't seem to need help when you can do things on your own?
Maybe there really is a way to live everyday deeply rooted in truth after all? Does anyone care to even know or ask how? "I came, I attended, I'm done." "Who cares?" "Who gives an eff?"
Ah, man. What a troubled little creature. Refusing to see the invisible things that matter most.
The sun shines and the rains fall on both the good and wicked, both the believing and unbelieving, the poor and the rich, the caring and the apathetic, the godly and the atheist. In everything that happens to us, whether good or bad, there is really no one else answerable than the one reading this. The universal rule: We reap what we sow.
We "do". Nature answers. Nature never fails to surprise us, because we really don't know the nature of Nature. Or maybe we just don't know the reason why we were born in the first place?