I slept the day off starting 8AM after a long night of designing some shop tools, anticipating that giddy feeling I always get whenever I know we'd ride that night. I just thought of sleeping it off instead of going through the day unable to contain myself. The 6th year anniversary of the BoulevardBoyz held at Takaakis bar along Macapagal would mark a night where you get to see different types of bad ass bikes hiding in the metro come out to converge into one pool, and different prominent clubs all sitting under one roof. This is what separates this crowd from the rest of the motorcycle community. The rebellious and alienated image of a leather clad guy on a very loud and big piece of chrome in twisted form. There's an inexplicable enigma surrounding these individuals that really makes you stare when they stop beside you at a light - and they don't even bother to look at you. I ignore other people when I'm at a stop. I don't know why. But only on rare cases do I turn my head to look at my surroundings when I'm at a light.

Mad Dog, Road Brothers, Haroorot, Spear, NOS, and well, of course BoulevardBoyz - to name a few. I expected something big for this occasion from these fellows and they didn't disappoint. Takaakis is spacious inside, you wouldn't expect it judging from the small entrance. Has an enclosed lounge upstairs for those allergic to cigar smoke - and when bikers like these gather expect your eyes to burn - high stage, upper deck, uhm.. what else.. I didn't get to visit the rest room because I didnt avail of the free 2 beers in the tab. Actually they weren't free, coz I paid P200 to get in. Not bad, considering the fun I had watching the crowd ogle the small bikini open pageant. (Sorry, kids do read blogs these days) and some good bands to boot.

Since there weren't any mention of food (do not expect food at a gathering like this) we went out just across to the wet market. This was my first time to visit the place. It's a great concept, two rows of restaurants, with a wet market in the middle, you order or do your groceries, and you have your items cooked. Saw this on TV once. Nice idea. Wait. I think I already went here once, but that was because I had to retrieve my license from the.. screw that.. anyway, P1200 for a dinner for 5 and a full tummy afterwards is a fair deal. I had corned beef with eggs and buttered garlic rice. There goes my after 5 plan.. The lomi was great though :) We didn't think the party would start anytime earlier so we took our time and ate in peace. Burped a bit and went back.
It was a veritable sea of cruisers and choppers out in the parking lot. All custom. From chromed to flamed to raw to hand-made. The only way you can tell which were new is when you see it in stock form. Still I can't get enough of walking around and snapping away - most of which would be stupid to post here.

What caught my attention were the crew of trikes parked near the entrance of the parking lot.

The amount of creativity and handiwork they put into these beasts floors me. You'd really have to bend down just to appreciate the details. It's like a small stripped down car - actually most of them have car engines - but wicked in another sense. The springer forks, all done by hand. I'd wish to be overtaken by a school of these in the highways, only to watch them command the road. Any car would really give way I bet.
We decided not to test the weather tonight and cruise far into the metro for the evening as originally planned. Drops began to fall and thunder was rumbling in the far distance. It did rain in some parts this afternoon, and going home wet is not a good way to close the evening. So its parting ways for now.