Monday, August 31, 2009

Drake's New Nostrils

Shad's Virago400 has been sheepishly hibernating in the shop for quite some time now (my apologies brudah..) due to glitches in my horrid schedule, which one time included a 5AM departure for Hong Kong to deliver files for a film and back again 10PM that same night, and overseeing a deadline for a movie release this September. (no, I don't promote my works..)

That said, the very first day I got to free myself from the dungeons of the looney bin I started work on Drake's old air-box, or something that resembles neolithic phallic art. Anyway, drafts in CAD and a mock-up proved daunting at first, yet fruitful in the end.

The old whatnot above and the new WSC designed air stack.

Stainless steel construction with screened dual separate chambers for each intake.
Here it is handsomely mounted. Credit goes to Ed for the flared pipe ends.