My old buddy Shad is in a two month limbo from the joy of riding due to troublesome issues with his sick bike, sick as in figuratively and literally. I had to snatch John for a break from the usual routine to head on over to Sucat where Drake was hibernating - missing out on all that sunshine this past rainy week.
Drake is a stock 400cc Yamaha Virago that underwent surgery in the hands of Manila custom renegade Alex of Scorpion Choppers. It's a rigid - with nothing but just the springs under the seat to make you go boing boing. It sure is a mean beast and these photos don't do it justice. A busted fuse box was the verdict. No problem. Plenty of them lying around. We'll be back to fix 'er up brudah, and that concept you're cooking is very interesting. I think we're gonna have fun with it. See you soon.