Jan obviously didn't get informed that I needed the bare frame so he had to dismantle everything he'd done. Saw the slick engine already just waiting for a home to squeeze into, all the while thinking if the jig would hold true to its specs. Hauled the trees, main frame and swing arm before heading on to Luigi's for a small huddle with Gil regarding some situation at home. He looked fine. He's getting another tattoo (daym, that's the 6th within the month man) after treating us to a sackful of barbecue and cheese Tater's. I'm supposed to be scheduled for inking tomorrow - whole right arm - chest to wrist. Hope my schedule clears.
Looks promising from here. Lots of rust and plaque from being kept way too long but other than that the frame is sitting inside the jig perfectly, is in good condition and primed for major alteration. Design already approved and all systems go. NOS will sponsor the bike build. All Frank needs to do is take it for a spin a month from now.
Gimme something impossible to work with.