It's been a great while before a name comes up from out of nowhere to champion the cause that so many has been bitching about the past months. While LTO was busy playing zoolander, a few silent heroes were working behind the lines for the greater good of those both aware and unaware. At long last the feared but short-lived anti-modification Administrative Order AHS-2008-015 is suspended as different motorcycle groups joined arms to stand against it by holding a nationwide awareness run from Manila, up north and down South - had it not been for the sudden turn of cheek of the LTO bosses an even bigger and crippling rally was looming above the metro, even bigger by standards of the last one held in front of the MMDA office at EDSA. Those who were casual victims of rogue enforcers now found themselves with a voice, led by a few, most of which will really never be known.
For now the community basks in their triumph and roam the streets less afraid. All the more stronger and aware of what their unity could accomplish yesterday and tomorrow.