Apart from occasional rides around the metro it's been a while since our last long ride. This memorable one took us a humble 250 miles from our launch off point and back and ended in the usual drizzle. 3 other bros rode along with us. The more the merrier. Rode out to C5 and met up with Cicero, and on we went. Brutus sits in my garage all muddied up and waiting for a hose-down after I finish this. Take off at 545A.M. - got back 5:30P.M. up Sierra Madre and exit at south.

Stop over at a famous landmark before proceeding to the peak. Riding has opened up the chance to become a "tourist" for everyone who dared put their hands on the grip. Had it not been for the proliferation of bikes in the country nowadays, everyone else would've led the same monotonous life we had 10 years ago. A handful of sporties whizzed by waving.

Touchdown at breakfast point. And boy, did it take long for the food to get done. Anyhoo, the boys were pretty occupied having fun not to mind the delay, not to mention molesting the hapless bear. Tapang Usa, eggs and fried rice galore.

There were so many great photo ops when we were in transit. The early morning sun was soooo gorgeous, mixing a little bit with cold fog. From time to time I'd take a shot since I slung my camera around my neck so I can snap whenever I wanted to but heck, better safe than sorry. Didn't want the twisties to get the best of me. I just tried my best to sink everything in.

photos by Cynthia
So what's a road trip without a little bit of danger eh? One of the riders who rode with us just thought it best to stop and smell the roses - and grass, in this case. NOS hams it up and sees the fun in every occasion. Locals were too kind and offered a hand. They probably weren't strangers to this sight.

photos by Cynthia
Having fish meals overlooking the lake at Caliraya.

Last stop overlooking the other end of Laguna.
Gassing up before entering Batangas on to Los BaƱos, Laguna.

photos by Cynthia
Entering the tail end of SLEX gave us the reason to burn rubber some good ground before our last stop at Total gas station. Sighting dark clouds in the distance we said adeius and went on home, pushing into the traffic of Alabang. You just know you're back when you find yourself staring into the chrome of the car's bumper in front of you. And what better way to end a ride than with blessings of rain? Did a quick stop under Sucat exit and talked about the next invitation for a free meal and lodging in an overnight Pampanga ride. Ah, yes..
Although the usual flood entering my street was da bomb.