This week saw an important venture that merits a consideration: setting up my own paint shop. Seeing what my painter did wrong in applying coats, I figured I could do way better. Plus, its hard trying to speak "bike" to a non biker in the first place. Cicero's tank turned out 8 out of 10 for me. Thin coats on some places but the fenders turned out great. Thin top coat too but I can live with it. The flames - geez, I LOVE the flames. The cream scheme went very well with it. This is probably not my best flame yet, but I'm happy and so is my client. Bottom line is, I can improve where they fell short. I just need a compressor, and so the search begins. I'll post photos soon as I can get the USB adaptor.

An email came in today and I am in awe at what I saw, a well paved highway carved into and through what was once desolate landscape. The new Subic Interchange. Very beautiful and inviting. Wish I could ride this this weekend going to the bike convention in Clark Field, Pampanga. Enjoy.