From Vincenteam.A very good friend from my old group and I often get to exchange notes and updates once in a while. He's now running his successful business. Collecting bikes on the side. He's a real pro who is hard to please but when your work passes his approval you know you did it better than expected.
For the moment I've stopped everything connected to riding and customizing. Focusing primarily on my new baby business. Delayed gratification I read once in a book. Make your money work for you first instead of spending it. I'm re-learning the ropes. By grace, this year has been a good year. After I set everything in order only then can I enjoy the fruits of my labor. Set up a new shop with new tools and the right resources here in the province where I reside. I miss welding badly. The smell of metal dust on my skin is nostalgic. It's great to be able to finally do what I love doing while looking out at open fields and wind blown trees.