Monday, June 28, 2010
Saturday, June 12, 2010
Peaceful Trouble
As it was then, so it is now. The family is moving to Bulacan today. I'll be staying behind snucking under the welding table at night fending off my nocturnal night crawlers. Turning points are a reason to ponder the choices you will make from here onwards. I have plans, but that's just about the extent of what I can do on my part, I move only in the direction given to me.
What better way to enjoy a long ride than to stop and smell the dirt road?
Stalled for two hours alone somewhere in La Union.

Stalled for two hours alone somewhere in La Union.

Thursday, June 10, 2010
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Saturday, June 5, 2010
Before the last trip, I had some running issues at the back of my head whether or not my riding position would hold up after about 100 or so straight miles and back. Turns out the only part of my body that buzzed a bit were the soles of my feet. Probably from the hard sole of the insides of my Doc Marts. None the less my body took it well, frozen in a cramped position all the way. No bad back or sore shoulders. Going down the Kennon twisties also proved enjoyable and stable in that position. And finally the blast through NLEX, well, I'd just say the bike was in its element.

Swiped from Motoyan's snappies at nfkffnfk. Yo.