As I have received news a few months back that there were interested parties in purchasing Mandelbrot - it looks like this is her last week with me. Saturday to be precise. I'm not counting my eggs, but the day is set - and already there's a steed waiting in line for my care. This bike and I have been through a lot, and I'm not comparing myself to those mile hungry tourers who've already circled the archipelago thrice in a row, but in my everyday use, I've grown and matured in riding her, and she has been blessed to take me to and fro my daily route safely while enjoying myself catch the wind with my knees.
But this new beast has 19" apes with 3" risers all make up for a sweet 22" arm stretch to the heavens. Black as sulfur, straight open pipes.. other than that I don't know yet. I'll be getting the first pics of her tomorrow or later maybe. Got her for a very low price too courtesy of Jay who found a buyer and also found a prospect replacement for me.
Can't wait to dress her up and ride her for the very first time. Saturday, Saturday, quite a long time away.